How to Deal with Mental Health Disorders ?

All these words evolve from the Same Mind, The same mind that developed Mobile phone, Electricity , Automobiles and innumerable modern day discoveries. Humans have evolved through Plagues, wars , Inflation, pollution but now, the modern day plague is Mental health disorders. But Seriously, How did we Evolve from Discovering Fire , Killing giant Animals to Claustrophobia ? My Point is, How are Animal Hunting scavengers now afraid of the Dark ? This Pandemic has not only provided the Rest required to this generation but also unveiled Our Psychotic Brains. We now Know the Meaning of A lot of mispronounced Mental illnesses and a lot of Abbreviations. So, is this a modern day “issue” for our Generation or were we asleep all along ? Well, asking too much questions is also a sign of Paranoia So I must stop. Let’s unveil what we already have !

The Answer we have been searching all around the world lies inside Us. There are no ways or shortcuts or Pills to improve your mental health. Well, some medications are helpful but they are basically to Fool your Brain. So, How do you actually do it ?

Ever wondered why the Monks live far away from the Modernised world free off all Materialistic needs? They are there just to control it, and by controlling i mean being aware. The most basic difference between the Brain and Mind is, The Mind is alive because of our thoughts, If you have No thoughts there is no mind, Just the brain. The brain on the other hand, is capable of Carrying out your Interbodily functions without your constant approval. If you think that you have a Mind which is alive, where does it go when you are asleep ? When you are asleep, then too, your Brain carries out breathing, Pumping blood, Recovering and many other bodily functions. So, If you concentrate deep enough, you’d know that your Brain is aware. Remember 5th standard, The 5 senses ? Eyesight, hearing, Taste, touch and smell ! So what if i Tell you, all these functions are carried out by the “aware” Brain meanwhile your Mind tries to convince you in believing that you don’t like Green vegetables !

Awareness is the answer to each and every Mental health disorder.

“Whats wrong with right now if you don’t think about it ? ” – Sailor Bob Adamson, writer.

If You are aware of the thoughts your Mind is carrying right now, You’d know how to deal with it. In the same way, Endorsing or substituting Positive Thoughts or as Rhonda bryne says in her Lovely book ” The Power”, Providing Love to your positive thoughts will harvest the positivity yeild. Ever wondered what happens to a Plant when you stop loving it ?

We can deal with Insecurity by manifesting Trust and Security, Fear by manifesting confidence and calmness, War by manifesting peace, Worry and stress by manifesting Love, peace and Confidence.

We have zero idea about the Powers of our subconscious mind, but once we realise it, We’ll know how to visualize it. And Visualizing positivity and Fearlessness will kill every negative thoughts from the Root.

Now Let’s summarise all this,

1. Practise meditation- Meditate by Bringing your awareness to your subconscious mind and feel the Positive things happen with visualization.

2. Reading- Read Books on Positivity and Follow Every step. You can always start with Rhonda Bryne’s – “THE SECRET” Series.

3. Saying Yes to everything in your life- Say yes to the Flat tyre, say yes to the Traffic , Say yes to Fearful negative thoughts. All your life you have been avoiding the thoughts and Running away from them not keeping in mind that you are running inside the Circle of your brain. Stop running away and start accepting things the way they are. Saying yes to negativity will help you accept the Reality and dissolve it inside you. So Open your arms and Welcome the Negative thoughts rather than shooing them away.

Awareness is the key. Also, remember to Say and imply positive and constructive thoughts.

“You recieve what you provide to the Universe”

Now here on ending note, I would like to Provide some beautiful Quotes to boost your mental health progress-

1. “Nothing external can disturb us. We suffer only when we want things to be different from what they are” – Byron katie, Writer.

2. “Feelings like sadness or anger exist only to alert to the Fact that you are believing your own stories” – Byron Katie.

3. “We can put our attention or either on the thoughts in our mind or the Awareness that we are. ” – The Power of Subconscious Mind.

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